Quotes of the Day

Monday, May. 18, 2009

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Recession's Long March
Re your cover "Going Home" [April 27]: as a former illegal worker in the U.S., I found your article on immigration compelling. It is true we are living in difficult times, but we must avoid seeking scapegoats during the economic crisis. In the end the only thing that will get us out of this mess is to pull together legal and illegal, foreign worker and local. Where do you think these deported immigrants will find jobs back home? In Mexico, perhaps with the drug cartels south of the border. Or why not with outfits like the pirates off the coast of Somalia? Let's not forget that a newly recruited extremist, or a new mercenary serving smugglers and drug lords, is much worse than an honest, hardworking immigrant looking for a better life.
Pablo Cortes,
Innsbruck, Austria

Your cover story made serious reading. But the present downturn could be a blessing in disguise for some countries, since highly skilled professional talents can transfer their skills and become useful in their often poorer home countries. Though their salaries may not be as good as the previous jobs they held, they might find more security in the comfort of the familiar rather than in an uncertain position in an alien land, and both they and the countries that welcome them back will benefit.
Philip Verghese,
Secunderabad, India

Hey, Wanna Join Our E-Study?
Re "Logging On To The Ivy Leagues" [April 27]: granting degrees to students who qualify through online study is merely acknowledging the actualities of university study today — notes and exams are taken on computers. Grading and advice to students could easily be done via the Internet, and the cost per student would be reduced dramatically.
John Leone,
San Diego

Flip Burgers, Not Cups
Congratulations to Steven Purugganan for breaking the world record at a totally useless endeavor, sport stacking [April 27]. I'm sure he feels that $30 for a set of cups, timer and mat are well worth the price. I only hope that when he grows up he will find more sensible ways to spend his valuable time.
Neil Bresnahan,
Poing, Germany

President's Best Friend
Bo, President Obama's new dog, acts as an icebreaker in what has seemed like months of recession-filled articles and accounts of how the current global financial crisis is causing havoc for many [April 27]. After all, it cannot be easy leading the world's most powerful nation through such treacherous times. Let's hope Bo can help ease the stress and put some perspective on Obama's life.
Shaun Michael Dunlop,
Cape Town

Advise the Travel Adviser
Why would a tourist travel to bali to have dinner in an Italian restaurant, brunch at a place with Australian cuisine, another dinner in a Japanese restaurant, breakfast with Italian coffee and a panini, tea with scones, and finally tapas and papas bravas [April 27]. It seems that the author does not want to know that Indonesian or Balinese food also exists and is very, very good.
Jaime Alcántara,
Lliber, Spain

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